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FURNITURE, DECOR, LIGHTS, TEXTILES | TURN-KEY FACILITIES --------------------------------------------- Moscow, Nikoloyamskaya str., 21/7 b.3 | +7 495 972 2633; +7 901 516 6728

Understanding Atarax: Uses, Benefits, and Considerations


Address: 109240, Moscow,
Nikoloyamskaya str., 21/7 b.3
Phone: +7 495 972 2633
Mobile: +7 901 516 6728
E-mail: info@il-disegno.ru;
Opening Hours: с 10:00 до 19:00
Saturday and Sunday
- meetings by agreement.


Il Disegno

The official supplier of furniture, lights, interior items produced by foreign factories to the Russian market.
A full range of interior design services of any period of time: Baroque, Imperial style, English classics, Art Nouveau, Minimalism.


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